
E-mail: firstname.lastname [@] gmail [DOT] com

I am a tenured researcher (Chargé de recherche) in Inria Lyon, in the OCKHAM team, working in optimization for Machine Learning. I am also a part-time lecturer (Professeur chargé de cours) at Ecole Polytechnique.

From January 2020 to October 2021, I was a post-doc at University of Genova, where I worked with Lorenzo Rosasco and Silvia Villa to develop new algorithms for implicit regularization. I hold a PhD from Télécom Paris and Inria Saclay (Parietal Team), under the supervision of Joseph Salmon and Alexandre Gramfort. In my PhD, I improved the efficiency of brain signals reconstruction algorithms (more details here), which involves optimization, sparsity and high dimensional statistics.

I have a keen interest in the Python programming language: I am the lead developer of celer (fastest Lasso solver) and skglm (fast and flexible sklearn GLMs). I am also a core developer of benchopt, a benchmarking framework that makes optimization benchmarks easy, transparent and reproducible.

To foster scientific reproducibility, my papers usually come with Python packages to reproduce my experiments and make my code available to the community (e.g. Anderson acceleration for coordinate descent or Iterative regularization for convex regularizers)

I am an associate editor for Computo, a journal promoting reproducibility through a novel publication format, and for TMLR.

You can find more details on my résumé (French (01/2021), English (09/2024)) and my list of publications.

I co-organize the Machine Learning and Signal Processing seminar at ENS Lyon, send me a message if you want to present your work there!

Team and alumni

  • Maël Chaumette, M2 intern from ENSAI co-supervised with Rémi Gribonval, April 2024 - Sept. 2024.
  • Anne Gagneux, PhD student from MVA co-supervised with Emmanuel Soubiès and Rémi Gribonval, since April 2023
  • Can Pouliquen, PhD student with Titouan Vayer and Paulo Gonçalves, since November 2022
  • Badr Moufad, research engineer, April 2022 - Dec. 2023. Now Phd student at Ecole Polytechnique.
  • Pierre-Antoine Bannier, Master thesis for Polytechnique/HEC, May 2022.
  • Célio Léonard-Collado, Master thesis, with D. Perrot, May 2024.

Job offers

  • None currently available, but please contact me if interested.


  • I am happy to have joined the committee of SMAI’s MODE group (optimization-related group of the French Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics).
  • With Elsa Cazelles, Thomas Moreau, Aymeric Dieuleveut and Lorenzo Rosasco we organized LOL 2024 (Learning and optimization in Luminy) in CIRM. It was a blast, we are planning to hold the 4th edition in the first semester of 2026: stay tuned!
  • We organized the SMAI MODE days in Lyon, from march 27th to march 29th. A minicourse on optimal transport by Gabriel Peyré and Yann Brenier was held at ENS de Lyon on the 25th and 26th.
  • With Titouan Vayer and the help of GDR MIA we organized a thematic day on dimension reduction at ENS Lyon. The final planning is available here.
  • Our paper on Coordinate descent for SLOPE was accepted to AISTATS’23! Slides of the paper presented at the Statistical Learning Seminar
  • 2 papers accepted at Neurips’22, on benchopt and skglm.
  • I gave a course on convex optimization at the Computation and Modelling school in Wrocław; resources are on my teaching page.
  • celer 0.7 is released, with a fast ElasticNet solver thanks to Badr Moufad!
  • We have integrated skglm into scikit-learn, providing a customizable and accelerated solver for sparse GLMs in python.