The Hutchinson trick

The Hutchinson trick: a cheap way to evaluate the trace of a Jacobian, without computing the Jacobian itself!

$$ \DeclareMathOperator{\DIV}{div} \DeclareMathOperator{\tr}{tr} \DeclareMathOperator{\jac}{J} \newcommand{\Id}{\mathrm{Id}} \newcommand{\bbR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\bbE}{\mathbb{E}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Var}{Var} \DeclareMathOperator{\diag}{diag} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\Vert #1 \Vert} $$

Continuous normalizing flows (more in a blog post to come) heavily rely on the computation of the divergence of a network \(f: \bbR^d \to \bbR^d\), aka the trace of its Jacobian:

\[\begin{equation} \DIV f (x) = \tr \jac_f(x) \triangleq \sum_{i=1}^d \frac{\mathrm{d} f_i}{\mathrm{d} x_i} (x) \end{equation}\]

Computing this quantity would require evaluating the full Jacobian, which can be done at the prohibitive cost of \(d\) backpropagations (more details below). It turns out, the trace/divergence can be approximated reasonably well with a single call to backpropagation.

For that, let’s forget about Jacobians for a second and take a generic matrix \(A \in \bbR^{d \times d}\). The Hutchinson trick states that for any random variable \(z \in \bbR^d\) such that \(\bbE[zz^\top] = \Id_d\),

\[\begin{equation}\label{eq:hutchinson} \tr(A) = \bbE_z [z^\top A z] \end{equation}\]

It is typically used for \(z\) having iid entries of mean zero and variance, classically standard Gaussian or Rademacher. The proof is very simple:

\[\begin{align*} \bbE_z [z^\top A z] &= \bbE_z [\tr(z^\top A z)] \quad &\text{(a scalar equals its trace)} \\ &= \bbE_z [\tr (A z z^\top)] \quad &(\tr(MN) = \tr(NM)) \\ &= \tr \left(\bbE_z [A z z^\top]\right) \quad &\text{(trace and expectation commute)} \\ &= \tr \left(A \bbE_z [z z^\top] \right) \quad &\text{(linearity of expectation)} \\ &= \tr \left(A \Id_d \right) \quad &\text{(assumption on $z$ )} \\ &= \tr \left(A \right) \quad & \end{align*}\]

et voilà!

Why is it useful?

The numerical benefit is not obvious at first: if one has access to \(A \in \bbR^{d \times d}\), computing its trace costs \(\mathcal{O}(d)\), while the above formula requires \(\mathcal{O}(d^2)\) to compute \(z^\top A z\), not to mention multiple Monte-Carlo samples for the expectation. But there are cases in which one wants to compute the trace of a matrix, without having explicit access to said matrix!

The flagship example is the full Jacobian of a neural network \(f\). Explicitely computing it is out of reach: with backpropagation one can only compute Jacobian-vector products, aka \(\jac_f(x) v\) for \(v \in \bbR^d\). To compute the full Jacobian means computing \(\jac_f(x) e_i\) for all canonical vectors \(e_i\), hence calling backpropagation \(d\) times (though it can be done in a vectorized fashion). But, to compute the trace of the Jacobian, one can sample a single \(z\), and then approximate the expectation in \eqref{eq:hutchinson} by a (single) Monte-Carlo estimate:

\[\tr J_f(x) \approx z^\top \left(J_f(x) z \right)\]

where \(J_f(x) z\) is computed with a single backpropagation pass. This is what is done in Continuous normalizing flows, in the Ordinary Differential Equation required to evaluate the log likelihood loss. Very clever and elegant!

Is it a good estimator?

The Hutchinson estimator is a very elegant trick with a short proof, but it has a drawback: its variance is terrible.

Proposition 1: For standard Gaussian \(z\) the variance of the estimator \(z^\top A z\) is \(2 \norm{A}_F^2\).

Click to expand the proof Wlog assume that \(A\) is symmetric: we can do so because \(A\) has same trace as its symmetric part, and \(z^\top A z = z^\top (A^\top + A) z / 2 \). We can use that a Gaussian \(z \) is still Gaussian under orthogonal transform to assume \(A\) is diagonal. Then for $A = \Lambda = \diag(\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_d)$, \begin{align} \bbE[(z^\top \Lambda z)^2] &= \bbE [(\sum_i \lambda_i z_i^2)^2] \\ &= \bbE [(\sum_i \lambda_i^2 z_i^4 + \sum_{i \neq j} \lambda_i \lambda_j z_i^2 z_j^2)] \\ &= 3\sum_i \lambda_i^2 + \sum_{i \neq j} \lambda_i \lambda_j \\ &= 2\sum_i \lambda_i^2 + \sum_i \lambda_i^2 + \sum_{i \neq j} \lambda_i \lambda_j \\ &= 2\sum_i \lambda_i^2 + \sum_{i, j} \lambda_i \lambda_j \\ &= 2 \norm{A}^2_F + (\tr A)^2 \end{align} using that expectation of $z_i^4 = 3 \sigma^2 = 3$, and $z_i^2$ and $z_j^2$ are independent for $i \neq j$ (with expectation equal to 1) Since $\bbE[z^\top A z] = \tr A$, the final variance is $2 \norm{A}^2_F$.

This result is quite disappointing: the variance scales like \(\mathcal{O}(d^2)\), while the trace scales like \(d\). Can we improve this with other random variables? Yes, but not by much!

Proposition 2: For uniform sign \(z\) (aka Rademacher variables, taking values +1 or -1 with probability 1/2), the variance of the estimator is $2 \sum_{i \neq j} A_{ij}^2$. It is the law of \(z\) that minimizes the variance of the Hutchinson estimator.

Click to expand the proof Again assume that $A$ is symmetric wlog. Since $z_i^2 = 1$, \begin{align} z^\top A z - \bbE[z^\top A z] &= \sum_{i \neq j} A_{ij} z_i z_j \\ &= 2 \sum_{i < j} A_{ij} z_i z_j \end{align} The variables $z_i z_j$ $(i < j)$ are independent Rademacher variables, and so $\Var(z_i z_j) = 1$. The variance to compute is thus \begin{align} \Var \left(2 \sum_{i < j} A_{ij} z_i z_j\right) = 4 \sum_{i < j} A_{ij}^2 \Var(z_i z_j) = 2 \sum_{i \neq j} A_{ij}^2 \enspace. \end{align} For the minimal variance result: for any $z$ (not necessarily Rademacher) \begin{align} \bbE[(z^\top A z)^2] &= \bbE[\sum_{ijkl}z_i z_j z_k z_l A_{ij} A_{kl}] % &= \bbE[\sum_i A_{ii}^2 z_i^4 + \sum_{i, j} z_i^2 z_j^2 (A_{ii}^2 + 2 A_{ij}^2)] \end{align} Now the expectation is 0 as soon as one index is not equal to any of the others ($\bbE[z_i] = 0$ + independence). So we have four cases to consider:
  • $i=j=k=l$, yielding $\sum_i z_i^4A_{ii}^2$
  • $i=j$, $k=l$, $i \neq k$, yielding $\sum_{i \neq k} z_i^2 z_k^2 A_{ii} A_{kk}$
  • $i=k$, $j=l$, $i \neq j$, yielding $\sum_{i \neq j} z_i^2 z_j^2 A_{ij}^2$
  • $i=l$, $j=k$, $i \neq j$, yielding $\sum_{i \neq j} z_i^2 z_j^2 A_{ij}^2$ too
Hence by renaming $k$ into $j$ in the second case \begin{align} \bbE[(z^\top A z)^2] &= \bbE[\sum_i A_{ii}^2 z_i^4 + \sum_{i \neq j} z_i^2 z_j^2 (A_{ii} A_{jj} + 2 A_{ij}^2)] \\ &= \sum_i A_{ii}^2 \bbE[z_i^4] + \sum_{i \neq j} (A_{ii} A_{jj} + 2 A_{ij}^2) \end{align} since $\bbE[z_i^2 z_j^2] = \bbE[z_i^2] \bbE[z_j^2] = 1$ when $i \neq j$. To minimize $\bbE[(z^\top A z)^2]$ we should thus minimize $\bbE[z_i^4]$, which by Jensen inequality is lower bounded by $\bbE[z_i^2]^2 = 1$. The value 1 is achieved for $z_i$ being Rademacher.

In hindsight, this optimality result makes sense: if \(A\) is diagonal, then for any draw of a Rademacher \(z\), \(z^\top A z = \tr A\) ! With a small numerical experiment (entries of \(A \in \bbR^{20 \times 20}\) i.i.d. standard Gaussian) we can check that Rademacher gives a slightly smaller variance.

If we increase the diagonal entries of \(A\) (by 5 here), we see the variance for Gaussian \(z\) increase as predicted by Proposition 1, while the performance for Rademacher \(z\) is unaffected (coherent with Proposition 2)

Beyond trace: computing the full diagonal

As my colleague Antoine Gonon pointed to me, the Hutchinson trick can be used to compute all the entries of the diagonal:

\[\bbE_z [(Az) \odot z] = \diag(A)\]

The proof is very similar to the first one. This technique allows evaluating the diagonal of the Hessian of a neural network \(g: \bbR \to \bbR\), using Hessian-vector product (see this great blog post), which has applications in neural network pruning for example. See more in Section 9.8 of .