Advice for presentations or how to avoid losing your audience

Summary advice given after attending one day of M1 internship presentations at ENS.

TLDR: Never underestimate how easily and quickly you can lose the audience, and how hard it is for them to catch up afterwards. Your slides should only be a visual support for what you say. Technicalities like equations with heavy notation, tables, complex figures are the enemy. Instead, use plenty of examples, figures, simple terms and explanations.

Content: choose the appropriate level of detail

First, select what you want to include in your presentation, and how you want to structure it.

Pay attention to form

Beyond its raw content, the visual aspect of your slide is a powerful tool to convey information easily.

Spend time on figures

Those are very important, as a good figure conveys a lot of information quickly.

Presenting style

Small but useful stuff

Thanks to Quentin Bertrand for his input on this post!