Computation Optimal Transport for Machine and Deep Learning

Class details are here.

Optimization for large scale Machine Learning, M2 ENS 2022-2023 & 2023-2024

The goal of the class is to cover theoretical aspects and practical Python implementations of popular optimization algorithms in machine learning, with a focus on modern topics: huge scale models, automatic differentiation, deep learning, implicit bias, etc.

Notes for the class are here.

Schedule: From November 21st onwards: Tuesday 08 h 00, Wednesday 13 h 30 (room B1) **except Wednesday 6th which is moved to Friday 8th**.

Validation: some theoretical homeworks, and paper presentation at the end of the class.


  • basics of convex analysis: convex sets, convex functions, strong convexity, smoothness, subdifferential, Fenchel-Legendre transform, infimal convolution, Moreau envelope
  • gradient descent and subgradient descent, fixed point iterations, proximal point method (Lab 1)
  • acceleration of first order methods: Nesterov and momentum
  • algorithms for Deep Learning: stochastic gradient descent, ADAM, Adagrad (Lab 2)
  • automatic differentiation
  • second order algorithms: Newton and quasi-Newton methods
  • duality in ML
  • implicit regularization, Bregman geometry, mirror descent
  • recent results in non convex optimization
  • online learning
  • other algorithms: Frank-Wolfe, primal-dual algorithms, variational inclusions, extragradient.

Lab 1 on logistic regression is here

Lab 3 on Deep Learning is here


  • Introductory lectures on convex optimization: a basic course, Y. Nesterov, 2004. A reference book in optimization, updated in 2018: Lectures on Convex Optimization.
  • First order methods in optimization, A. Beck, 2019.
  • Convex optimization: algorithms and complexity, S. Bubeck, 2015. A short monograph (100 pages) covering basic topics.

Classes taught

Summer schools:

  • OLISSIPO Winter school: dimensionality reduction with Titouan Vayer (02/2023)
  • Convex optimization @Computation and Modelling summer school, WUST 2022 (intro slides and exercises)

Since my arrival at ENS de Lyon (Nov. 2021):

  • 36 h on large scale optimization for machine and deep learning (2022-2024), M2 level.
  • 12 h on optimization and approximation (2023-2024), M1 level.

Since 2019, I teach the Python for datascience class (42 h per year) in the X/HEC “Datascience for business” Master, using live coding inspired by the Software Carpentry workshops. I designed the course from scratch, collaborating with Joan Massich in 2019, Quentin Bertrand in 2020, Hicham Janati in 2021, Sylvain Combettes in 2022 and Badr Moufad in 2023.

Since 2020 I teach and handle practical sessions and data camps in Ecole Polytechnique’s [ Executive education]. Topics involved dimension reduction, clustering, scaling computations, visualization and datacamp. I designed 2 full python labs with Erwan Le Pennec on these topics.

From 2017 to 2019, as a grad student, my main teaching activity was the Optimization for datascience class of the Datascience Master, totalling 2*40 h including 4 h as lecturer. Amongst others, this involved refactoring of the practical sessions, tutoring of students during office hours, and partaking in the design of the final exam.